所谓风水对于一知半解的人们来说,“风”永远是属于自然界的风,“水”当然也是自然界的水,但在两者共存的条件下,人们必须寻找有利于自身生存的自然环境进行合理的布局,才能使人的生活风调雨顺,这也是平常人心里的风水。 在古代的文化中,风水又称为“堪舆”,堪是勘探的意思,堪为天、舆为地。风在天空,水在地上,人居中间,风和水都是自然界的产物,人们利用自然界的产物,集天地人于一体,于是风水就产生了。
因此,风水是一门集天、地、人为一体的自然界综合性的科学,以自然界为基础,通过阴阳五行的法则,调节人体生态环境的平衡,有利于人类生存和发展的一门无形科学。 |
Fengshui literally means wind and water in Chinese. Contrary to many misconceptions, Fengshui is neither a religion nor a superstition. Instead, Fengshui is classified under the study of Physiognomy - one of the five Chinese Arts known collectively as Chinese Metaphysics. Physiognomy refers to the observation of appearance through formulas and calculations in order to assess the potential outcome of a person in relation to his living environment.
Fengshui is a metaphysical science which one learns to recognize and harness Qi (cosmic energies) naturally present in the living environment to help specific aspects of our everyday lives. Fengshui is a method of assessing and improving the quality of one's life through observations and analysis of his/her living environment. It represents a third of the Cosmic Factor that influences one's life, the other two being the Destiny and the Human factor. |
Founder of KX Geomancy Pte LtdGrand Master Justin Neo Zhen JueGRAND MASTER JUSTIN NEO ZHEN JUE’s forefathers were well-known Fengshui Master. His expertise was inherited down the generations and he is the 6th generation to inherit his forefather’s expertise.
GRAND MASTER NEO believes in discarding old traditions and uses modern ways to infuse liveliness into the Art of Fengshui with the aim to harmonies the living environment and the wisdom of people. Hence, we have Modern Fengshui. Using Fengshui to enhance the lives of people was MASTER NEO’s objective. He never ceases to pursue knowledge in this age of new technology.
He constantly upgrades himself culturally and intellectually by frequently updating himself on modern fengshui case studies, linking them to the age-old fengshui theory whilst meeting the needs of modern people in the 21st century. GRAND MASTER NEO believes that knowledge is an endless pursue. During these years of practices as a Geomancer, GRAND MASTER NEO strives to shift the paradigm associated with a traditional trade like Fengshui to achieve greater heights in his career. |
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