Residential Fengshui 家居风水
Engaging the help of fengshui can:
- Help to establish strong bonds in your family - Act as a stepping stone. Give you a push to let you attain success in your career, studies and relationships - Improve your health conditions both mentally and physically 正统的风水学能:
- 促进良好的家庭关系 - 把人缘,事业与学业搞好 - 让精神状态与健康状态获得好转 |
Commercial Fengshui 商业风水
Commercial Fengshui is essential to enhance the energy flow in the company. It promotes good human relationship for smoother operations. Locate the favorable positions to increase the positive energies and avoid areas that will draw negative energies. 好的商业风水会带来好的人际关系,促进公司的运作过程。 找出公司的吉方,可以带来好的气场。同时,找出凶方可以避免厄运。 |
Geomancy Property Search 风水产业搜寻
Have you ever considered buying a house with the aid of fengshui? Do you know which type of house is auspicious and which is not worth buying? Selection of house is based on the Gua of the owner and the sitting position of the premises. A house with good fengshui will harness positive energy, enhance career and wealth. On the contrary, a house with bad fengshui will result in disharmony and accidents. 购买房子前,你是否把风水纳入考量中?你是否知道怎样的房子才称得上是吉屋,怎样的房子不能买?选择房子应该依主人的命卦配合座山。一间好房子能旺丁,旺业,旺财。不恰当的房子则会减弱家人的运势。
Luck Analysis 运程分析
Adult Name Change 成人改名
A name serves as a person’s identity but few people fully understand the meaning of their names. However, being an identity that follows you all your life, shouldn’t you start trying to understand your name more now? Should it be unsuitable, a change of name might even be the turning point in your life to steer you towards success. 当你的事业和婚姻遭遇到难题,人生道路上亮起“红灯”时,试问:你曾经认过命吗?虽然,一个人的先天命格无法改变,但是后天运却可以用我们的智慧、信心和努力加以创造;所谓一命、二运、三风水… …,以姓名学来说,姓名代表着自己,所以一个人姓名的好坏能影响命运。
Selection of Wedding Date 结婚吉日
Marriage is a big thing in life, and it is best to choose an auspicious date as a traditional culture and customs. If completely ignored, it is may bring misfortune. Having an auspicious wedding date is the key for a successful marriage.
Selection of Caesarian Date 剖腹生产
It is getting more and more common for parents to select a good date and time of birth for their child to help ensure a fortunate and meaningful life for their newborn. A good eight character forebodes good fortune not only for the child but also for his or her family members. 近年来,家长们采取选择吉日剖腹生产的趋势逐渐增加。而他们所希望的莫过于让孩子有个灿烂的前景。一个好的八字,不但为孩子带来好运,同时也可利于提升父母的运程。
Selection of Name for Newborn Babies 宝宝命名
A child's name may be a way of discerning his/her destiny. Parents unconsciously give a child a direction in life and influence his/her luck cycle when they name a child. Hence, parents should make it a point to give their children a 'good' name, and not inadvertently harm them by giving them one that is not suited to them. 姓名学是一种探测命运的方法之一。父母为儿女命名,在冥冥中,似乎已经给了他一个定数 – 他的命运。姓名也往往主宰了一个人的一生。因此为宝宝命名是应该慎重以对的。
Exhumation Services 祖先挖坟、拾金服务
If your Ancestors are affected by the Government's exhumation program, you may contact us for more information. (Refer to article for exhumation: A proper exhumation ceremony and Placement of Niche is vital for the prosperity of the descendants. 若您的祖先需要迁坟,欢迎联系我们了解更多详情。
迁坟仪式与安放骨灰瓮会影响子孙后代,所以绝对不能草草了事。 |